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    Configure Homepage Slides

    How to configure Homepage Slides section in Hugo Brewm theme

    Setting up slide content

    The Hugo Brewm theme features a homepage slides section that showcases important content through an interactive carousel. You can add a cover parameter to add a slide cover; this parameter also changes the slide layout. To create multiple slides, you’ll need to make separate files containing this front matter structure:

    type: slide
    title: "Slide Title"
        headless: true # prevent page body to be render and redirect to 404.html
        target: "" # override the redirect target

    Dedicated Shortcode for Slide Content

    External RSS feeds

    The slides section can integrate content from external sources using the RSS shortcode.

    type: slide
    title: "My post on"
    {{< rss "" >}}

    For a Pinterest-style layout, you can implement the pin shortcode as follows:

    {{< pin "begin" >}}
    {{< pin img="" url="" label="Item 1" >}}
    {{< pin img="" url="" label="Item 2" >}}
    {{< pin img="" url="" label="Item 3" >}}
    {{< pin img="" url="" label="Item 4" >}}
    {{< pin img="" url="" label="Item 5" >}}
    {{< pin img="" url="" label="Item 6" >}}
    {{< pin "end" >}}