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    Configure Menu

    How to configure the menu in Hugo Brewm theme

    Learn how to configure menus in the Hugo Brewm theme using either config.toml or menus[.lang].toml files.

    • identifier: Unique identifier for each menu item
    • name: Text shown in the menu
    • url: External link destination
    • pageRef: Link to internal pages
    • weight: Menu item ordering (smaller numbers first)
    • pre: Icon placement
    • post: Description for the link
    • parent: Parent menu item reference

    Adding Icons

    Add icons to your menu items with the pre parameter.

        identifier = "github"
        name = "GitHub"
        url = ""
        pre = "github"

    Here are all the supported list icons and their corresponding names that can be used when configuring your menu items:

    Creating Nested Menus

    Create dropdown menus by using the parent parameter:

        identifier = "about"
        name = "About"
        pageRef = "/about"
            identifier = "about-author"
            name = "Author"
            pageRef = "/about/author"
            parent = "about"

    Language Support

    There are four ways to add multi-language support to your menus:

    1. Using menu.[menuID].params.lang

    In config.toml:

        identifier = "about"
        name = "About"
        url = "/about/"
            lang = "en"
        identifier = "about"
        name = "Tentang"
        url = "/tentang/"
            lang = "id"

    2. Using menu.[lang].[menuID]

    In config.toml:

        identifier = "about"
        name = "About"
        url = "/about/"
            identifier = "about-author"
            name = "Author"
            pageRef = "/about/author"
            parent = "about"
        identifier = "about"
        name = "Tentang"
        url = "/tentang/"
            identifier = "about-author"
            name = "Tentang Penyusun"
            pageRef = "/tentang/penyusun"
            parent = "about"

    3. Using Separate Menu Files

    In menus.en.toml:

        identifier = "about"
        name = "About"
        url = "/about/"
            identifier = "about-author"
            name = "Author"
            pageRef = "/about/author"
            parent = "about"


        identifier = "about"
        name = "Tentang"
        url = "/tentang/"
            identifier = "about-author"
            name = "Tentang Penyusun"
            pageRef = "/tentang/penyusun"
            parent = "about"

    4. Using Front Matter in Markdown Files

    in index[.lang].md _index[.lang].md or filename[.lang].md

    title: "About Author"
        indetifier: about-author
        parent: about