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    Configure Main Footer

    How to configure the main footer in Hugo Brewm theme

    The main footer in Hugo Brewm theme can be customized through several configuration options. Here’s how to set up different components of the footer.

    To set up the main footer content, create a markdown file in your content directory with the following front matter:

    type: footer
    title: "Your Main Footer Title"
    weight: 1
        headless: true # prevent page body to be render and redirect to 404.html
        target: "" # override the redirect target

    You can then add your footer content below the front matter using markdown. Multiple footer sections can be created using different markdown files.

    Footer menu items can be configured in your site’s config.toml file. Here’s how to add menu items:

        identifier = "github"       # Unique identifier for the menu item
        name = "GitHub"             # Display name/tooltip
        url = "" # Link URL
        pre = "github"              # Icon

    Enable Coffee Stats

    If you want to display coffee statistics in your footer, enable it in your config.toml:

        coffeeStat = true    # Set to false to disable

    Every coffee parameter in your content frontmatter will be counted and displayed in the footer.