Configure Logo and Accent Color
How to configure the Logo and Accent Color in Hugo Brewm theme
The Hugo Brewm theme allows you to easily configure your site’s logo and accent color taylored to your brand. Follow these steps to set up your logo:
Change Color Accent
To make the color accent align with your brand identity, you can customize the accent color in custom.css
under assets/css
For example, in exampleSite/assets/css/custom.css
:root {
/* default contrast */
--ac-light: #36c; /* accent color on default contrast */
--fg-light: #111; /* foreground color on default contrast */
--bg-light: #f9f9fb; /* background color on default contrast */
--midtone: gray; /* midtone on default contrast */
--fg-dark: #f9f9fb; /* foreground color on dark mode, default contrast */
--bg-dark: #111; /* background color on dark mode, default contrast */
--ac-dark: #fa0; /* accent color on dark mode, default contrast */
/* less contrast */
--ac-light-less: var(--ac-light);
--fg-light-less: #13253d;
--bg-light-less: #e7e2e2;
--midtone-less: #7d8490;
--fg-dark-less: #e7e2e2;
--bg-dark-less: #13253d;
--ac-dark-less: var(--ac-dark);
/* more contrast */
--ac-light-more: var(--ac-light);
--fg-light-more: #000;
--bg-light-more: #fff;
--midtone-more: gray;
--fg-dark-more: #fff;
--bg-dark-more: #000;
--ac-dark-more: var(--ac-dark);
This file will take the place of custom.css in the theme. To avoid missing the color variable during the build, please copy every variable and do not remove any.
Adding Logo Image / Logomark Icon
Prepare your logo image
- Create or prepare your logo image file (recommended formats: PNG or SVG)
- For best results, use an image with a transparent background
- Recommended dimensions: height of 50px to 70px
- You can also add dark mode version of your logo
Configure the logo in your site configuration:
logoMark = ''
logoMarkDark = '' #optional
Using Logo Type Preset
If you prefer not to use an image logo, you can enable the built-in text-based logo by adding this setting:
logoType = true
After making these changes, rebuild your site to see the updated logo. The logo will automatically appear in the site’s header and will be responsive across different device sizes.