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    Authoring Terms Entry

    How to set the cover and linking of terms entry in Hugo Brewm theme

    You can change the cover of each terms entry by adding the cover parameter in under [lang]\[taxonomies]\[terms]\. For example, to set the cover of the term configuration in categories, add the parameter in content\en\categories\configuration\

    title: "Configuration"
    description: "Configuration description, this might be useful for HTML metadata"
    cover: ""
    translationKey: configuration
    If something is written here, the text will be displayed as hero section.

    To link the terms entry in another language, you can add the translationKey parameter. For example, if you want to link the terms entry in Indonesian, add the parameter in content\id\categories\konfigurasi\

    title: "Konfigurasi"
    description: "Deskripsi konfigurasi, ini bisa berguna untuk metadata HTML"
    cover: ""
    translationKey: configuration
    Jika ada teks yang ditulis di sini, teks akan ditampilkan sebagai bagian hero.

    The same way, you can set the cover of each terms entry for series and author taxonomies. After making these changes, rebuild your site to see the updated cover and translations in breadcrumbs. The cover will replace the flowlines images on taxonomies listing.